A lipoma appears like a small lump, and consists of fat cells that amalgamate just beneath the skin. These fatty lumps can develop almost anywhere on the body, but more often than not they grow on the neck, chest, arms and thighs. It is essential to have any lumps diagnosed properly by medical professionals, just to ensure that the growth is not cancerous.
Lipomas are the most common benign tumours that can arise, and some of the identifiable characteristics are as follows:
- - small, approximately half an inch in diameter
- - develop just beneath the skin surface
- - they are moveable
- - soft and rubbery to the touch
- - normally painless
- - either do not change in size or grow very slowly
If the lump does cause any pain, an infection occurs or suddenly increases in size, then seeking medical advice is extremely important.
However, lipomas are typically harmless, and only become distressing if the growth is visible and unsightly. In these instances, some form of treatment may be needed to alleviate stress and maintain self esteem, which may be lipoma removal or a natural lipoma treatment option.
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