How To Naturally Cure and Prevent Lipoma Lumps

-Do you have a number of lipoma lumps in your body?

-Have you ever wondered why your body develops lipoma lumps?

-Would you like to cure your lipoma lumps without surgery?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then follow the advice of William R. Bradley, a one time lipoma sufferer, who will show just how simple it is to prevent lipoma lumps as well as cure existing lumps.

He spent months researching the topic until he discovered exactly what was causing these lumps, and then focussed on finding a safe and natural lipoma cure. He turned to Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine practiced in India, which makes use of natural herbs to treat a wide range of ailments. He discovered that natural remedies for treating the root cause of lipoma lumps already existed! Using these natural substances and further research, he finally developed a system that worked for him.

Now, he has put this successful treatment method in to a guide called “ How To Naturally Cure and Prevent Lipoma Lumps”.

Here are some of the things you will find in this no risk guide:

  • The exact reasons why lipoma lumps develop

  • The herbs and dosage required to prevent and cure lipoma lumps

  • Exercises that will shrink lipoma lumps

  • Pros and cons of other natural lipoma treatments

  • The diet changes that will help in prevention and cure of lumps

And so much more…..

All this information is available and downloadable immediately and you could finally learn how to safely and naturally cure your lipoma lumps

Friday, 29 June 2012

Lipoma Herbal Treatment

Lipoma treatment is not exactly necessary due to the fact that a lipoma tumour is benign, in most instances harmless, and nothing to be worried about. Surgical removal is only advocated if the tumour becomes too large, inconvenient, painful or for cosmetic reasons. However, if treatment is requested, surgery is not the only option available.

Alternative treatments have proven to be highly effective in dealing with many conditions, with lipoma herbal treatment being no different. Chickweed, bitter herbs and foods, cedar and lemon juice are all helpful in treating lipoma.

Chickweed is very useful because it can eradicate discomfort and reduce the size of the tumour. Chickweed ointment rubbed into the tumour area once a day or a teaspoonful of chickweed tincture three times a day are typical ways to apply the herb as a treatment.

Bitter herbs and foods are also useful because they have the ability to heighten the power of the body to digest fats, which, after all, is what a lipoma tumour consists of. The chances of getting rid of a lipoma are greatly improved by making diet changes so that bitter herbs and foods are included.  These may include wormwood, southernwood, olives or unsweetened chocolate.

Applying cedar ointment to the area has also proved useful.

Lemon juice added to drinking water is also effective because it eliminates toxins, purifies the liver and reinforces the digestive system.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Benign Lipoma

If you have been confirmed as having a lipoma , then you should not be overly concerned. Lipoma is a benign tumour consisting of fatty, adipose tissue and in most instances painless and harmless. The main fear is, of course, the initial discovery of a lump and not knowing what it could be. This doubt can clearly be very difficult to cope with, so it is essential to visit a doctor as soon as possible for a thorough and proper examination and diagnosis. Lipoma lumps are generally small, although growth to a larger size can sometimes occur. Adults between the ages of 40 to 60 are most at risk from lipoma, but children have been known to be affected, although cases are not as common.

As lipoma is benign, and will not turn cancerous, lipoma treatment is not absolutely necessary. However, if the benign lipoma becomes painful, tender, infected, inflamed or enlarged, a decision may be taken to remove the lipoma surgically. The procedure is fairly straightforward, and in most cases can be carried out at the surgery under a local anaesthetic. An incision is made, the growth removed and the incision closed with stitches.

Liposuction is an alternative surgical option that may be considered. Liposuction is sometimes used on larger lipomas, and is less scarring than other options. The risk of using liposuction is that there is always the chance that the entire lipoma tumour may not be removed, resulting in lipoma regrowth.

Another lipoma treatment option is via steroids. In this case, the lipoma is injected with steroids, which causes the fatty tissue to die, leading to a reduction in the size of the lipoma lump. These steroid injections, given periodically, can eventually make the lipoma shrink away after a few weeks.

Lipoma surgery is not without potential complications. Issues may arise depending upon the size, location and the damage to any surrounding tissue.

As lipoma is a benign tumour and relatively harmless, most medical professionals will advise patients to leave it alone, and attend for regular examinations. However, not all sufferers will feel this way, especially if the lipoma becomes unsightly and embarrassing.

Lipoma surgery is not the preferred choice of everyone, but there are natural lipoma treatments available that have had some success in the prevention and growth of lipomas.

Friday, 22 June 2012

How To Cleanse Your Liver Naturally

One method of lipoma treatment is to carry out a liver cleanse. Lipomas can often arise following entrapment of toxins in fat tissue, so it is evident that by eliminating these toxins in the first place, then lipoma lumps could be reduced.

How is it then, that lipomas can be treated with a liver cleanse?

The liver, considered to be second only to the brain in order of important organs, performs many crucial functions, so it naturally follows that a less than optimum performance can lead to severe problems.

Fat processing and metabolism is a major function of the liver. As lipomas are fatty lumps, if the liver malfunctions, then the ability to process these fatty deposits will diminish, maybe even to the point that the fatty lumps continue to develop.Restoring and maintaining the liver in prime condition will mean that necessary fat metabolism will take place and lipoma lumps will be handled better.

The liver is also responsible for removing toxins, which are ever present in some of the processed food in today’s diet. Additives and other chemicals are often present in these foods. Alcohol, drugs and other medications are also responsible for the build up of toxins in the body. The purpose of the liver is to process these toxins and eliminate them safely.If the liver cannot process these toxins, then the body accumulates fat to protect itself, so reducing toxin intake can only have a positive effect upon liver function.

If bile ducts become blocked, then the body will be unable to process fats or toxins with the result that the toxins wrapped in fat try to exit the body through the skin, forming lumps. Cleansing the liver and bile ducts can clearly be an effective method of lipoma treatment.

Although this lipoma treatment is effective, it obviously takes a little longer, but the results are longer term, because the root cause, the toxins that the liver is unable to process, is addressed.

How to cleanse your liver naturally suggestions are as follows:

Lemon Juice

This helps the liver to function better and eradicate toxins. Warm water mixed with a little lemon juice is recommended for best lipoma treatment results.


As most people are aware, water is vital for correct bodily functions, and aids the liver to flush out and remove toxins. One and a half litres a day is recommended.


Eat fibre rich foods to avoid constipation. Any build up of waste will prompt the body to find other ways of eliminating toxins, such as lipoma lumps.


I know you have probably heard it before, but a healthy diet really is essential for a long lasting lipoma treatment. By eating vegetables and protein rich foods like fish and nuts, everything will work noticeably better.

Visit Natural Lipoma Treatment to find out more

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Little Bumps On Skin

For most people, the discovery of little bumps on skin will be extremely worrying. The obvious first thought will be that the bumps could be cancer, so if bumps do appear, a visit to your medical professional is essential to allay any fears. Most medical practitioners will confirm that whilst skin changes can be an early indication of cancer, in most cases bumps on skin can be due to many other reasons, some of which are as follows:


Folliculitis is the result of bacterial infection of hair follicles, which leads to the development of bumps on skin. These bumps can vary in size and occasionally may be painful. Folliculitis can be caused by shaving, wearing close fitting clothing, and also may be contracted in warm and wet environments, such as hot tubs and saunas, conditions in which bacteria thrives and the skin is exposed.

Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is the result of a clogged hair follicle, which leads to the development of small skin bumps, similar to acne. These sometimes itchy bumps on skin may be red, white or skin colour, usually not painful and will often decline with age.

Cherry Angioma

Another common reason for bumps on skin, cherry angiomas are small red bumps on skin and can be usually found on the stomach or back. Although the main issue is aesthetic rather than actual danger, these bumps can sometimes alter their shape or bleed, which may need removal by a doctor.


If the skin bump feels deep seated, then it may actually be a lipoma lump, a tumour consisting of fatty tissue. Lipoma lumps are benign, meaning that removal is not necessary, unless it becomes painful or for cosmetic reasons.

Sebaceous Cysts

Sebaceous cysts can usually be found in parts of the body where oil exists, such as the face or groin, causing bumps on skin. Hair follicles in these areas become swollen after becoming blocked by dead skin tissue. They are usually skin coloured and harmless, although in some instances they may become inflamed and ooze liquid from the area. They also can be removed by doctors.

These are just some of the causes for bumps on skin, so proper, professional diagnosis is paramount in order to decide the correct course of action.

Friday, 15 June 2012

How To Identify Lipoma

A lipoma appears like a small lump, and consists of fat cells that amalgamate just beneath the skin. These fatty lumps can develop almost anywhere on the body, but more often than not they grow on the neck, chest, arms and thighs. It is essential to have any lumps diagnosed properly by medical professionals, just to ensure that the growth is not cancerous.   

Lipomas are the most common benign tumours that can arise, and some of the identifiable characteristics are as follows:

  • - small, approximately half an inch in diameter
  • - develop just beneath the skin surface
  • - they are moveable
  • - soft and rubbery to the touch
  • - normally painless
  • - either do not change in size or grow very slowly

If the lump does cause any pain, an infection occurs or suddenly increases in size, then seeking medical advice is extremely important.

However, lipomas are typically harmless, and only become distressing if the growth is visible and unsightly. In these instances, some form of treatment may be needed to alleviate stress and maintain self esteem, which may be lipoma removal or a natural lipoma treatment option.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Lipoma Removal For Better Looks

In today’s society, appearance and looking good are of the upmost importance for many people. This is the driving force behind the upsurge in cosmetic surgery and other treatments to maintain and enhance visual appearance. It seems that if there is some form of physical problem, then there will be a cosmetic solution available. Looking good is important to many people, both from the first impression point of view as well as being a boost to self esteem. Having a lipoma or fatty lump under your skin can therefore have a serious impact upon the self esteem and morale of a sufferer, and they will be more worried about the aesthetic issue than any health problems that may arise.

Lipoma removal for appearance and self esteem reasons is a popular choice for sufferers. Although a lipoma is benign and therefore not dangerous, the area affected or the size, may mean that it is unsightly, and therefore prompt the sufferer into taking the option of surgical removal. There are natural lipoma treatments available, but they require a bit of patience to take effect, so some will feel that lipoma removal is the best choice for them. What is vital, however, is that having made this choice, then qualified and professional medical practitioners should be used to perform these specific procedures.

If done for aesthetic reasons, lipoma removal surgery is the best option to achieve exactly what is wanted. What should be remembered, however, is that although the lipoma lump will be removed, a scar will remain. So, the appearance problem may still exist after the removal, depending on the size and location of the scar.

As mentioned, there are natural lipoma treatments available that will not leave a scar.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Lipoma Treatment Using A Holistic Approach

Lipomas are fatty lumps that are always benign, so before embarking on a holistic approach to treatment, the lumps must be properly identified as lipoma lumps and not malignant tumours. Having been diagnosed properly, the lipomas can be surgically removed, although it only needs to be done if pain is involved or for cosmetic reasons if the lumps are unsightly. Lipoma treatment using a holistic approach may be the preferred alternative for many sufferers.

The following should be taken into consideration when using this method.

1. Reduce or eradicate totally the intake of chemicals, which can cause the build up of fatty tissue. This may help to shrink active lipomas as well as assist in preventing new growths. Essential in this process is to avoid smoking and foods containing preservatives and artificial components. Body and skin care products should also be of the natural variety.

2. Diet changes may also aid a reduction in the size and numbers of lipomas. Some foods are harder for the body to digest and eliminate, so should be avoided. These foods include red meat, any fatty foods, dairy produce and anything caffeine related. The ideal diet for lipoma should consist of vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts and whole grains, which are all foods that the body can easily process.

3. Exercise regularly, because this will stimulate and balance the endocrine system as well as boosting the immune system. This may encourage the reduction and frequency of lipomas.

4. Make use of dietary and herbal supplements. Herbs such as cedar extract (thuja occidentalis) may be effective in the treatment of lipomas when taken orally or applied topically to the lump every day. Chickweed in the form of tea or applied as an ointment is also recommended.

The surgical option is not for everyone, so having an alternative lipoma treatment using a holistic approach can only be a good thing.

This Natural Lipoma Treatment could be just what you are looking for!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Lumps Under Skin

Lumps under skin or on the skin surface are generally benign (non-cancerous) and are therefore not classified as a great health issue. These lumps most often arise on the legs, arms, armpits and the neck, but they can actually develop anywhere on the body. Lumps under skin can occur as a result of a variety of skin ailments, as well as underlying health problems.

A really common type of lump that develops under the skin is a lipoma , which is a  soft, rubbery fatty lump. They grow when fat cells combine, appearing most frequently in areas like the neck, back, chest and shoulders. Lipomas are benign and can develop in multiples.

Another common form of lump under skin is a cyst, such as a sebaceous cyst, which develops when the sebaceous gland becomes obstructed and bunged up. These types of lumps can grow on the face, back, scalp and the trunk but they can also develop elsewhere, in areas such as the genitals.

Occasionally, the lumps can be enlarged lymph nodes, most often appearing under the jaw, on the neck, in the groin area and in the armpits. This enlargement can be as a result of some form of trauma, injury or an infection. If a lump develops just below the Adam’s apple, this may be a swollen thyroid gland or some form of unusual growth. 

Other possible causes of lumps include carbuncles, boils, abscesses, warts and folliculitis.

It is wise to have any frequently recurring lumps under skin assessed by an experienced medical practitioner, as they may be a sign of other health problems. Any cancerous lumps that develop are typically hard, coloured and can also alter in shape and size.

In the great majority of cases, lumps under skin are benign, and as such, many will not require a great deal of medical treatment. Cysts occasionally may need to be drained, especially if infected. Likewise, lipomas do not necessarily need treatment, although surgical removal may be performed if the lipoma causes pain by pressing on a nerve, or for cosmetic reasons, if the growth is unsightly.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Multiple Lipomas

Multiple lipomas, as the name implies, is merely the term used to describe the existence of several to many lipoma lumps in a patient. In many instances, a hereditary link is discovered, and typically proves to be not a threat to life. They most frequently appear in middle aged men, but rarely, children and the elderly may be affected.

Each lump in a case of multiple lipomas is usually approximately 1 centimetre across, developing just below the surface of the skin, so they are easily diagnosed during an examination. Normally painless, they will either remain the same size or grow extremely slowly.

Treatment is not usually required, but surgical removal may be requested or recommended to check if the lumps are benign, for personal cosmetic reasons, and importantly, if other symptoms arise. These may include infection, pain, recurring inflammation, an increase in size or restricted movement.

Surgical removal of multiple lipomas may need several procedures, especially if there are many growths or they develop deeper than just beneath the skin surface. Some patients frequently find that once multiple lipomas have been removed, regrowth occurs in the same areas.

Try this Natural Lipoma Treatment and avoid invasive surgery altogether.