intramuscular lipoma is a benign tumour consisting of fatty
tissue that grows inside muscle tissue, and typically can develop in the head,
neck, legs and trunk of middle aged adults. Usually, these lumps will be diagnosed
following x-rays and a doctor’s examination. Surgery is not usually needed as
the condition is not considered life-threatening, but may be an option if the
tumour causes a problem by pressing against a nerve. In the case of an
intramuscular lipoma, surgery can be a little more difficult and intricate,
with a greater possibility of regrowth if not totally removed during the
Just to be clear, an
intramuscular lipoma consists of a fatty tumour growing
within the muscle tissue, whereas an
intermuscular lipoma develops between
groups of muscles, although in both instances, the tumour is exactly the same.
The tumour manifests as a lump, no larger than 1 to 2 centimetres across in
the case of an intramuscular lipoma. As the location is within muscle fibres,
the chances of being uncomfortable are higher than would be the case with other
lipoma types, so a visit to a medical practitioner is highly likely and sensible.
fatty lump is plain to see via an x-ray, so diagnosis is
straightforward, with tests, including blood tests, utilised to confirm whether
the growth is benign or malignant. As mentioned, surgery is not generally
required, but may be a choice if the lipoma is causing pain or discomfort.
Intermuscular lipomas are easily removed by surgical procedures, but
intramuscular lipomas are much more difficult to remove because the surgery
involves the cutting of the muscle in which the growth develops. In some
instances, this may prevent the total removal of the tumour so that no lasting
damage occurs to the muscle involved. This means that if some of the growth
remains, then it may possibly regrow to its original proportions.
Successful lipoma removal surgery may only require one or two days recovery time, and the tumour
should not return, but for sufferers where the total removal is impossible,
further x-rays and surgery may well be needed.